Friday, October 24, 2008

October concert buzz

I just wanted to share this really nice comment from our friend who runs radio molecule, which is a great Internet-based radio station of new music. She was responding to our October 18 season debut concert.

I'm amazed at the amount of work SFNM has projected for this year!! It's heart warming for me to see that your intention is to offer Santa Fe incredibly interesting, intelligent, dynamic and cutting edge events! To me you guys are "it" at the moment and I hope that Santa Fe can wake up and see the immense value of what you're doing... The cool venues that you use in town connecting you to the different artistic communities, I'm sure, will generate the energy that you want. Congratulations on the new season! I'm looking forward to all the events. You guys are a great asset to Santa Fe and my cultural Santa Fe loves. wish you all the best!

Thank you, we are glad to be doing what we do!

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